"The Three Graces"
2021, oil on linen 160x250x4 cm
From the underworld through rebirth the true transformation brings vivid new colours and a new destiny. Here is the golden archetype between Tiferet and Yesod. The rebirth of your inner beauty. In this work, I've represented dragonfly morphological structures, at size as they were seen 250 million years before in the Permian era; on wooden, rock paper background.
Symbolically it describes the movement, from the original creative potential of The Foundation to the Miracle of transmutation into spiritual Sun, a transformation that is illuminated through this secret middle path of the inner Beauty - the Golden subtle light .
"The Three Graces", 2021 - oil on linen
“The Three Graces”, 160x250x4 cm oil on linen, London 2021